AV CAPITAL is frequently consulted to deliver our best advice and recommendations or assist on special assignments for the decision makers, board of Directors and shareholders of many family businesses and publicly listed companies. Since our first days, , we have not only successfully help clients raise capital but also provided strategic advice and expertise to solve the complex business issues faced by the top management of many Asian corporations and business families. Our approach on strategy consulting has been always to journey towards a viable solution once they realize their goals and expectations. Our strategy consulting leaves the choice of implementation to the decision makers since as consultants we put our focus on the strategy and frameworks. Our role is to allow them to gain insights that everyone else seems to be largely passing over. These steps would provide useful advice and enabling solutions to achieve their goals and expectations.
AV CAPITAL is ideally positioned to provide strategy consulting to family owned businesses and publicly listed companies on account of our core expertise and diverse international experience. At AV CAPITAL, we do not follow “group thinking”. Sound advice has to be developed. We are a firm whose tradition is rooted in providing creative and enabling solutions out of rigorous analysis and critical thinking. This is because our team and associates bring with them top level experiences and perspectives, having worked in different countries and organizations.
As an example , over the past years we have experienced among others the following strategy consulting situations for the board of Directors and/or shareholders of several companies
- Capital Increase Plan Through Sustainable Growth Analysis
- Refunding of Shareholder’s Capital Analyzed Through A Discounted Payback Plan
- Strategic Review and Evaluation Of A Transportation Company
- Going Private and Share Buyback Of A Listed Agri-Food Company